DeskDay is suitable for MSPs of all sizes.
Yes, our service operates on a simple and straightforward monthly payment structure. We offer a single plan that ensures full access to all our features and benefits. This monthly plan is designed to provide flexibility and convenience, making it easier for you to manage your subscription without any long-term commitments.
Unfortunately we do not have multiple pricing plans at the moment. DeskDay simplifies your experience with a single, comprehensive plan. If you subscribe before April 31st, 2024, for $49, you gain full access to our entire CSA suite for lifetime. Post-beta, from May 1st, 2024, pricing will be going up to $79. This all-inclusive plan is designed to offer you everything you need without the complexity of multiple tiers or options. Our goal is to provide maximum value and simplicity, ensuring you have all the tools required for your needs in one straightforward package.
Our pricing model is designed with flexibility in mind, operating on a per-seat basis. This means that you only pay for the number of users you need on the platform, without any minimum seat requirement. Whether you're a small team or a large organization, our pricing adapts to fit your specific user count.
Yes, you can cancel anytime. Adjust to your needs by either updating your account settings or contacting our support team at for help. Note: Cancellations take effect at the end of the current billing cycle, and refunds for prepaid periods are not provided.
We currently accept all major credit card brands.
Our trial period lasts for 14 days, giving you two weeks to fully explore and experience all the features our platform has to offer.